Welcome to Mama's Farmhouse Designs!
Hey! So glad you popped by! Mama's Farmhouse designs started in 2018 when I was on bedrest with my last baby. I couldn't sit still so I started to make earrings.
In 2020, during the beginning of the pandemic when the store shelves were empty I saw another need. A need to advocate for our local food sources. I was seeing meat prices at the grocery store skyrocket - but shoppers were expecting the farmers to get the profit off of that. You and I know that's not the case - so I became an advocate for agriculture. That's how the Eat Iowa Corn Fed Beef t-shirt was born - showing a need for farmers to help advocate for themselves.
I am slowly (as fast as i possibly can...) adding other species and locations into my program. If you see a specific need for advocacy - please reach out! I want my shirts to create conversation - get the word out what we do. We raise animals - not just feed them. We care!
Meet the Mama
Hi! I'm Stephanie! I am so glad you stopped here to see what we are all about!
I was raised in central Iowa on a large corn, bean and cattle farm. I met my hubby at the Iowa State Fair (how romantic for a farm girl!) and together we raise cattle and kids. Four kids to be exact.
I quit my town job in December 2020, to fulfill my passion of advocating for agriculture.
If we don't take control of teaching "town folk" about agriculture, the outcome will not be pretty. Help spread the word that you, your neighbor and your friends are proud farmers who raise healthy, happy animals responsibly.